Jobs for life scientists

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life-science Karrier Services, Jobbörse für Naturwissenschafter /-innen


health, environmental and food sector, agriculture and forestry, pharmaceuticals, resource and environmental management, etc. All branches in a life science context.


Management, Research & Development, Sales, Administration, – all positions, which request know-how in bio-sciences.

fields of competences

Biochemistry, bioinformatics, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, data sciences, environmental technology, environmental science, food technology, forestry, agriculture, life sciences, mathematics, medicine, medical engineering, microbiology, molecular biology, natural sciences, nutritional sciences, pharmaceuticals, physics, psychology, statistics, resource and environmental management , process engineering, veterinary medicine, and comparable


life-science Karriere Services
T: +43 (0)699 111 600 17
Wien / Vienna – Austria

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