Jobs for life scientists

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH


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Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH

Company Information

About Us

The Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft is a research institution with a thematic focus on medicine, life sciences and the humanities, social sciences and cultural sciences, and is specifically targeting new research topics in Austria. Together with academic and implementing partners, the LBG is currently running 20 institutes and develops and tests new forms of collaboration between science and non-scientific actors such as companies, the public sector and civil society. Socially relevant challenges, to which research can contribute, are to be recognized at an early stage and taken up. In 2016, the LBG Career Center, which is supporting 200 pre and postdocs, has been set up. In addition, the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center (LBG OIS Center), which is revealing the potential of open innovation to science, was launched. The Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft employs 550 people. The total budget for the year 2016 amounted to 31.3 million euros, about 31 percent of the funds come from the budget of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.


health, environmental and food sector, agriculture and forestry, pharmaceuticals, resource and environmental management, etc. All branches in a life science context.


Management, Research & Development, Sales, Administration, – all positions, which request know-how in bio-sciences.

fields of competences

Biochemistry, bioinformatics, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, data sciences, environmental technology, environmental science, food technology, forestry, agriculture, life sciences, mathematics, medicine, medical engineering, microbiology, molecular biology, natural sciences, nutritional sciences, pharmaceuticals, physics, psychology, statistics, resource and environmental management , process engineering, veterinary medicine, and comparable


life-science Karriere Services
T: +43 (0)699 111 600 17
Wien / Vienna – Austria

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